Jumat, 01 April 2011

Koleksi Foto dan Biografi Christian Sugiono

Christian Sugiono with luxury clothes
Christian Sugiono Desktop Wallpaper
Christian Sugiono Photo

Sugiono Christian or usually called "Tian" was born in Jakarta, February 25, 1981. He is best-known as an actor in a film, Sinetron TV series, and commercial ads (iklan) in Indonesia. He started his career in acting in early 2005 in the film Catatan Akhir Sekolah, Jomblo and many others. In the film Dunia Mereka, Christian Sugiono won Panasonic Award in 2007, and was nominated as the most favorite actor.

Christian Sugiono or Tian / Sugi is a european decent. His mother is German, while his father is javanese, Indonesian. Christian Sugiono is the second son from three siblings. Although he has a european featured face, he has been living in Indonesia for all his life. He went to Charitas primary school (SD) and junior school (SMP), and finished senior high school (SMA) in Pangudi Luhur.

During in high school years, Christian Sugiono was active as the head of High School Organization (OSIS) in SMU Pangudi Luhur, 1998 - 1999. In addition, he had also a band called Foto. Christian can play Piano, Guitar, Bass and Drums. In 1998, his band occupied the # 2 position in the Indie lapan Prambors. Once he completed the high school, he eventually left his band because he had to go to Germany.

The first career step for Christian was started when he was in High School. In 1997, he had a contract as a cover boy on Hai Magazinein. Then, in the following years, he became a model in the commercial ads and video clips.

From 2000 until 2006, Christian Sugiono lived and studied in Hamburg, Germany, majoring Information Technology at Technische Universität Harburg - Hamburg, but did not finish because he decided to return to Indonesia and became an actor. Outside of being an celebrity, Christian is also doing another job, a web designer. This skill he got it when he was in the college in Germany.

In the beginning of 2006, Christian returned to Jakarta and focusing his career in the entertainment industry. With his handsome european face, he can get the movie role easily. One of the film he played was malaysian production "Tipu Kanan Tipu Kiri" which was released in Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Singapore and India. In this film, Christian played a major role with Titi Kamal.

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